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Prayer Listing

Submitted By: Pastor Steve
Request Subject: Death of Reverend David Warren
Prayer Request:

Dear Friends,

Today we received the following message from Lola Warren, wife of Dave Warren, former pastor of Parkville Presbyterian: “My husband, David Warren, was the minister of PPC, 1989 until his retirement in 1998. Last week he died, and knowing that several PPC current members remember him, I would like them to know. PPC was a very special congregation for both Dave and me, leaving us with so many good memories.”

Let us pray for the Warren family in their grief and celebrate Dave’s passing into the church triumphant.

Obituary and funeral information are forthcoming.

Prayer Duration: 11/7/2020


Many thanks for sharing the notice of Dave’s (Rev. David Warren) death in August. A memorial service is now planned for Sunday, November 7 at 3:00 pm EST (that would be 2:00 CST– on the first day of return to Standard time). Would it be possible to share that information with PPC? The Zoom connection is:

Meeting ID: 975 5509 6819
Passcode: 914996
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Meeting ID: 975 5509 6819
Passcode: 914996
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If you are unable to do this, please let me know. I will then make personal contact with a few people who might be able to spread the word to those who knew Dave.

Thanks. Blessings to you and the whole congregation. I hope all is going well.


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