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Prayer Listing

Submitted By: Marla Z
Request Subject: Prayer for Susan Heim-Davis
Prayer Request:

Heavenly Father, today we lift up prayers for Susan, who is in the NKC hospital recovering from low blood oxygen levels, caused by pneumonia. She is in the capable hands of the attending staff and has the support of her sister by her side. Lord grant us peace as we pray for Susan, help us to feel your presence as Susan heals and recovers. In your son’s name we pray. Amen.

Prayer Duration: On-going

6/8/2021 UPDATE

Susan is back at home, still with pneumonia, but in a condition that allows her to be at home for her therapy. She has support from friends and caretaker, so overall she is doing a lot better than a week ago, but there is still a long road to recovery. She is happy to be home, as opposed to the hospital, and she is happy to be back with her dog, Lindy. Over time Susan has learned to be very strong and resilient, and not quick to ask for help or support, but this is a chance for us to listen for the Spirit calling us to be in relationship with Susan, because through that relationship we get to see God at work. Thank you all for the prayers, support and connections. Amen.

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